How to create a new Google account.

Since its inception in 2014, Gmail has steadily risen in popularity.

It's now used by millions across the world to send emails of all sorts, whether personal or business-related.

To use Gmail, you'll need to create a Google Account. Let's see how to create one now.

In your browser, navigate to

If you already have a Google Account, you do not need to create another one to use Gmail. You can sign in directly.

Creating a new Google account will give you access to many of Google's other popular services.

Click More Options

To create a new Gmail account, click Create account.

Enter your First and Last Name.

Type your Desired username.

As you can see, the requested username is not available.

If you want, choose from the list of available usernames...

...or try your luck again.

Our second choice is available.

Now, create a password. It will need to be at least 8 characters in length and of sufficient strength.

Enter your Birthday and Gender.

Enter your mobile phone number which will be used for keeping your account secure.

Enter your current email address (a secondary email ID)...

... which can help if you ever have problems with your Gmail account in the future.

Configure the Default Homepage option as per your needs.

Google will pick up your location automatically, or you can configure it.

Click Next step.

In order to proceed, you must first agree to the Privacy and Terms.

If you accept the terms, click I AGREE.

That's it! Your new Gmail account has been created and is ready for use.

Click Continue to Gmail.

You'll be presented with an optional tutorial that will walk you through how to use your Gmail account.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a new gmail account.

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